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Legacy Circle

The Legacy Circle is a parish collective who has remembered Christ Church as part of their legacy and estate planning.


Legacy contributors have taken their spiritual practice of giving beyond annual commitments providing

for the long-term sustainment of the parish community.


The Circle holds an annual reception to meet new members, honor present members and remember

those who have recently passed, celebrating the future of Christ Church.

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Legacy Circle FAQ

How Does it Work?

Legacy gifts are registered with the parish office and received into Christ Church’s Endowment Trust, a

separate structure with contributions managed by the Calgary Foundation. The Calgary Foundation are an independent investment manager dedicated to managing the pooled assets of charities and foundations in the City of Calgary.


Annually, investment income from the Endowment Trust (mostly provided through the Legacy Circle) is paid to Christ Church at a set rate recommended by the Calgary Foundation to assist with parish operation costs.


The Endowment Trust has its own independent trust deed and is safeguarded by 4 appointed trustees who oversee its administration. Trustees are appointed for 4-year terms.

Is there a minimum gift to qualify?

No – however, Legacy Circle gifts are generally in the thousands of dollars (or more) rather than hundreds of dollars.

Can I gift directly to the Christ Church Endowment Trust and not be a Legacy Circle member?

Yes. The Endowment Trust is available to any donor who wishes to contribute for the purpose of maintaining the future operations of the parish community.

Can I donate common shares?

Yes. The Endowment Trust has a brokerage account and receives public shares from donors. The shares are sold and contributed to the Endowment Trust Fund managed by the Calgary Foundation. Tax treatment of such gifts is in accordance with CRA regulations.

How Do I Join?

Please contact the parish office at 403.243.4680 or drop by! We’re happy to connect you with

parishioners who have backgrounds and experience in this area to guide you through the process.

Can I give a gift not contained within my last will and testament?

Yes. Simply contact the parish office at 403.243.4680 and advise them of your desire to make a Legacy Circle gift.

Can I direct my gift to a specific purpose?

No. The nature of the Endowment Trust fund makes it difficult to segregate to fund donations to specific initiatives. The purpose of the Trust and Legacy Circle is to secure the long-term financial operations of the parish community. There are better options to do this depending on the designated purpose. Please call the parish office at

403-243-4680 to discuss.

Can I donate non-cash items, such as art, jewelry, etc.?

No. The Endowment Trust do not have the resources to accept Listed Personal Property gifts. Such gifts sometimes do not have a ready market for sale and Christ Church has no capacity to safeguard such assets until such time they can be sold so that proceeds may be deposited into the Endowment Trust.

Christ Church Calgary

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Christ Church Calgary

Christ Church Calgary

3602 8th Street SW

Calgary, Alberta  T2T 3A7

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Office Hours

Mon - Thu


9:00 am – 4:00 pm

9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Weekly Service Times


8:00 am & 10:30 am


11:00 am

©2023 Created for Christ Church Calgary by A Burns

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